-> Surview probes and components

Surview box

During pump tests groundwater is pumped up out of a drilling hole while registrating hydrological measuring values. The pump test measuring box serves as central data registrating and controlling unit.

The water amount delivered is measured by an inductive flowmeter and can be regulated by a valve.

The PV-measuring box includes a data logger, the inductive flowmeter, a measuring pot with chemical/physical sensors and valves for regulating the flowing amount.

The most important parameter at pump tests is the development of the pressure (level) in the drilling hole over the time. This parameter is calculated by most exact AquiLite probes. These are installed at the relevant point in the drilling hole and are connected to the data logger via probe cables. According to the test additional drillings are surveyed near to the measuring point with AquiLite probes.

PV-Measuring box

The total performance on site

Further information:
Data logger

GSG Geologie-Service GmbH, Am Sand 9, 97080 Wuerzburg,

Tel.: ++49/(0)931/99105-80, FAX: ++49/(0)931/99105-90,