AquiTronic Probes 

Modular probes                   
Multi-sided multi-parameter probes for almost all application areas

Measuring Moduls
ATM 00 Final cap impervious for pressure for bottom cap of a probe, if there is no pressure measuring modul
ATM 10

Measuring modul for relative pressure

ATM 11

Measuring modul for absolute pressure
ATM 15

Measuring modul for relative pressure and temperature
ATM 16

Measuring modul for absolute pressure and temperature
ATM 20

Measuringe modul for conductivity and temperature
ATM 30

Measuring modul for pH-value and temperature

Datalogger moduls
ATL 10

Datalogger modul 128 KB
ATL 30

Datalogger modul 512 KB
ATL 11

Datalogger modul for external power supply of datalogger probe; with Lemosa plug

upon request!

Power supply moduls
ATV 10

Battery modul, cable pluggable
ATV 11

Battery modul, cable fix
ATV 40

Power supply modul, cable pluggable

upon request!

ATV 41

Power supply modul, cable fix

upon request!

Special moduls
ATI 00

Transmission modul, cable pluggable
ATI 01

Transmission modul, cable fix

Evaluation head
ATC 94

AquiLite Evaluation interface with integrated suspension device for mounting probe cables FIXLY (not pluggable to probes), compatible to almost all combinations of level tubes and connection cables

upon request!

ATC 96

AquiLite Evaluation interface with integrated suspension device for the connection of probe cables with plug connections with  pressure-tight plug-in connectors, compatible to almost all combinations of level tubes and connecting cables

upon request!

ATC 99

anchor clamp

upon request!

Probe cables
ATC 00

Cable converted on both sides for pressure tight plug-in connectors, can be prolonged on both sides (plug and socket); (basic price) 

upon request!

ATC 01

Probe cable with capillar for atmospheric pressure compensation, PUR external jacket; price per meter 

upon request!

ATC 00

Cable converted on one side for pressure tight plug-in connectors, can be prolonged on one side (selectable plug or socket); (basic price) 

upon request!

Adapter cables
ATC 10

Adapter cable for the connection of a probe via standard probe cable ATC 00 to a PC (RS 232) or portable device. Integrated signal converter, length 1.5 m 

upon request!

ATC 13

Adapter cable for the connection PC or portable device with evalutation interface ATC 94 or ATC 96. Integrated signal converter, length 1.5 m 

upon request!

ATC 12

Surcharge per meter length for ATC 10 and ATC 13 

upon request!

ATC 14

Adapter Hirschmann 4 pole to 6 pole (or 6 pole to 4 pole) 

upon request!

ATC 16

Adapter USB / serial interface 

upon request!

Accessories for probe cables
ATC 05

Blow gun for probe cable clutch 

upon request!

ATC 06

Blow gun for probe cable - plug

upon request!

ATC 07

Protection cover for AquiLite cable socket, pressure-tight constrution

upon request!

ATC 70

Cable drum for AquiLite cables, ATC 00, robust, high-qualified construction, metal frame, open hub, strain relief, wedging brake, suitable for cable lengths for up to about 200 m.

upon request!

ATC 71

Cable drum for AquiLite cables, ATC 00, robust, high-qualified construction, metal frame, open hub, strain relief, wedging brake, suitable for cable lengths for up to about 80 m.

upon request!

Mounting help
ATC 60

Mounting help

upon request!

Compact probes

compact probe for registrating level 

Option: pressur-tight connectro for probe cable ATC 00 instead of fixly installed cable (surcharge)

compact probe for registrating level and temperature

Groundwater data logger BEAVER

groundwater data logger BEAVER for measuring level



groundwater data logger BEAVER for measuring level and temperature

PSION-portable device
PSION robust portable device for transmitting datas between probes and computer

upon request

ATH 13 SSD- disk capacity 1 MB

upon request

ATH 15 SSD-disk capacity 4 MB

upon request

ATH 40 Connection-/loading station for stationary operation with integrated quick-recharger and possibility for connection to PC, power supply unit, cable

upon request

ATH 90 rechargeable battery pack

upon request

ATH 95 Nylon bag for PSION portable device with foil key pad and belt

upon request

ATH 96 Leather bag for PSION portable device with foil key pad and belt


upon request

ATH 97 Spare lithium battery (Saving battery)

upon request

ATH 98 Spare handstrap (strap on the backside of the device)

upon request

AquiPro Lite The excellent system for professional users of AquiTronic devices
AquiPro The excellent system for professional users. High-performanced programming and graphical functions, remote inquiry and assistance of databus. AquiPro suits to all AquiTronic devices
Update AquiProLite to AquiPro

upon request

Measuring boxes
Measuring box for pump tests Mobile plant for executing pump tests and other hydrological tests - individually constructed especially for YOUR application

upon request!

Individual measuring box Individual solution especially for YOUR application

upon request!

Now also aluminium caps as standard and security locks in various designs available at the GSG Geologie-Service GmbH
The total performance of the AquiLite system at favourable prices

(C) 2003 GSG Geologie-Service GmbH, Würzburg  -  All rights reserved
Am Sand 9, 97080 Würzburg
Tel.No.: ++49/(0)931/99105-80, FAX: ++49/(0)931/99105-90