
AquiPro Lite

The system AquiPro Lite has been developped especially for standard functions with data logger probes. Here simple application and clearness has been essential for us.

AquiPro Lite


AquiPro Lite consists of 4 programs:
The manager for administrating and processing measuring values, programs for working with data logger probes and the portable device as well as a program for calibrating sensors.

Data logger probes

Psion portable device

Sensor calibration


AquiPro Lite works under Windows 95, 98, NT 4.0 and Windows 2000.

AquiPro Lite

High performance, favourable price
Weitere Informationen:
software surview
AquiPro Lite Manager
AquiPro Lite data logger probes
AquiPro Lite portable device
AquiPro Lite calibration

GSG Geologie-Service GmbH, Am Sand 9, 97080 Wuerzburg,

Tel.: ++49/(0)931/99105-80, FAX: ++49/(0)931/99105-90,