
AquiPro Lite for Psion portable device

This program is part of the system AquiPro Lite.
It serves for evaluating measuring values from the portable device Psion.
(included in the price of 1 PSION portable device)

AquiPro Lite

Simple, fast and clear

Measuring values and data:

Clear representation of the measuring values included according to measuring field, measuring point and registration.
Selection between evaluation of single measuring values or of all measuring values.
Fast evaluation via serial interface

Further functions:

Indication of the place available and the memory disk.
Formation of the memory disk in the portable device.
and many other functions...

AquiPro Lite

Further information:
Software generally
Overview about AquiPro Lite
AquiPro Lite Manager
AquiPro Lite for data logger probes
AquiPro Lite calibration
Clear representation of measuring values
memory disk informations

GSG Geologie-Service GmbH, Am Sand 9, 97080 Wuerzburg,

Tel.: ++49/(0)931/99105-80, FAX: ++49/(0)931/99105-90,