

The modular AquiLite-probes consist of singular probes, which can be plugged together, as you wish. So AquiLite-probes can be expanded  by further sensors or other measuring ranges at any time. You simply require the corresponding module and plug into the probe.

Adapter cable

The adapter cable connects the probe and the evaluating device. AquiLite-Sonden can be evaluated and programmed either by a  PC/Notebook and an AquiTronic Software or by a special portable device.

Evaluation head with integrated equipment for hanging in

The evaluation head represents the  upper end of the probe cable. It is safe from flood and possess an interface for evaluating which can be connected with the adapter cable.Die integriated equipment for hanging in suits to all customary level caps with a diameter of 2 up to 6 inch. The probe cable can be delivered as fix or as pluggable version.

Probe cable

The probe cable connects the probe with the evaluation head. It can consist of several parts and be delivered in any lengths.



the modular probe usually consists of 3 or 4 moduls.
The upper modul is the battery modul (= ATV..).
The second modul is a data logger-modul (=ATL..).
The upper end represents 1 or several measuring moduls, e.g. for conductivity and/or pressure (= ATM..).

Modulare Sonde


Innovative technology on highest level
Weitere Informationen:
List of moduls

Tested by TU Munich

AquiLite-probes have been tested in a long-termed  test of the testing ministery for hydrology and hydraulic of the TU Munic referring  to the accuracy of measurements and long-termed stability. We are pleased to send you a detailled test report.


GSG Geologie-Service GmbH, Am Sand 9, 97080 Wuerzburg,

Tel.: ++49/(0)931/99105-80, FAX: ++49/(0)931/99105-90,